美国留学最关键的一步是面签,那么于签证官面签的时候,同学们都会被问到什么问题 网传美国面签有108问题的题库,但是通过分析和归纳,我们发现可以整理出来十一个大的类别。威海奥通留学蔡体民老师整理、删减了一些重复的问题进行归纳。以供大家准备面签的时候进行演练,有的放矢地去准备如何回答签证官的问题,尽量回答得简洁明了。

Part 1 Visa for What 第一类问题:你为什么申美国签证



申什么项目 你学什么

申不到你会做什么 你要申多久的签证


1) What will you study in the United States

2) What will you do in USA

3) What do you want to study in USA

I will study Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.

4) Are you going to study in USA

Yes, I will study Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.

5) What is your purpose for the visa

I want to pursue a Master Degree in Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.

6) What will you do if you don’t get this visa

Well, I think you are so kind and you will give me the visa. But if you fail me, I’m sure I will try for another time. I really want to be educated there and one time failure won’t make me give up.


7) How long will you study in USA

It will take around two years.

Part 2 Why this program 第二类问题:出国留学为什么是这个项目




你为什么此时想来读这个项目 (而不是过去,而不是以后 )



你要学的项目有什么方向,你主要研究哪一块 (着重强调你对于专业方向的理解)

1) Why do you like your major

2) Why do you change your major

3) Why do you want to pursue a master’s degree

4) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master degree now

5) What’s the difference between your major now and the major in USA

part 3:Why this university第三类问题:为什么选这个大学

你是怎么知道这所大学的 (美国学校那么多,你是通过亲属介绍奥通还是自己通过什么途径了解到的呢 )


你知道你选的这个大学的优势专业是什么么 你知道你这个专业最好的大学是什么么

你为什么没有选择其他学校呢 (这里表要强调,尽量不要说考虑到不自信,家庭费用等问题。还是就学校专业设置方向等方面去回答就好了。)

why didn’t you apply these schools

How do you know this University

How much do you know about the university

Do you know which school is the best in your major

Part 4 Why choose USA 第四类问题 为什么选美国

其实这类问题 统一可以理解为给你一个机会夸夸美国。但是,切记切记!奥通提示不要谈过多除了教育以外的东西。你说大学教育好,没问题,你要是说其他方面,或者说贬低中国,那么你就有很高的移民倾向了。而移民倾向是绝对拒签的!切记!

1) Why do you want to study in USA

2) Why do you want go to the United States for further study

3) Why do you want to study xxx in the US

Part 5 Study plan第五类问题 学习计划!(非常重要,这是判断是否有移民倾向的关键)

你怎么计划规划的 怎么学 学完了你干啥 实习完了你干啥

你预计在美国考证么 你预计在美国工作很久么 你的学术最终梦想,你的事业最终理想都是什么


1) Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies

2) Do you want to get CPA in America

3)What kind of job can you find in the future

4) Will you come back to this company after graduation

5) What is your ultimate academic goal

Part 6 Education Experience 第六类问题 教育经历(主要针对面试者的学术背景和过往的学术研究内容)

1) What is your dissertation about What is your specific research of your undergraduate paper My paper is about ……. My paper discussed this issue and analyzed its influence.

2) When/where did you get your BS/MS

3) What is your academic background

4) What institution did you attend and what was your major

Part 7 Work Experience 第七类问题 工作经历(主要是研究生们,还有一个有过工作经验的大龄留学生,必须解释清楚自己的工作经历。负责什么,在什么样的公司,什么职位等等)

1) Are you a worker or a student now

I have been working for ** years.

2) What/where are you working now

What is your current project in your company What are your responsible for in your present post

I am a ** manager in ……. I am responsible for **. For example, in this April, Iwent to Nanjing,

and organized a training project regarding ** of chemical industry. This project lasted for ** days. 50 senior engineers attended it. We discussed issuessuch as how to **, how to **, and how to **.



What does your company do


What have you done after you graduated from university

I worked in a small company as ** for a year and then got my current job in **.

Part 8 Immigration Decline 第八类问题 移民问题

这个过程就是陈述、声明、保证自己会按时回国,不论美国多么好,自己的职业规划是在中国,自己的一家老小还想继续在中国生活,你中国还有某些牵绊,如老人,工作,朋友,不动产,公司等各种你认为需要回国的原因,千万不要学美国前几天的那个毕业典礼的女同学,说美国空气都是甜的,那样就太过了,蔡老师平时在威海奥通办公,这边空气也非常好啊,虽然中国有一些城市有雾霾,比如石家庄 北京 郑州等,但是祖国的大好河山,还是非常值得我们去拥抱并努力奋斗的呢!

1) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China

2) You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don’t you want to earn more

3) Do you want your husband to go with you

Part 9 Costs 第9类问题,花费问题

你有奖学金么 你为什么需要奖学金 你为什么不需要奖学金 你要买一个车么 你有计划要孩子么

你有什么资助人资助你留学么 你预计花费在美国是多少 等等问题。就是一个目的,你到底有没有钱,你到底会不会黑在美国打黑工。我们要义正言辞的说明,不论我们是否取得了奖学金,我们出国留学的钱肯定是够的我们都能正常平稳的读完我们的学业。我们申请奖学金是因为我们学习好!不是因为我们没钱!我年薪多少,我爸年薪多少,我家还有啥啥blabla.

1) Have you any scholarship

2)Why you didn’t get the scholarship

3) How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States

4)Why don’t you want to buy car

5) Who will be your sponsor

Part 10 T/G Test 第十类问题 关于考试成绩考试过程考试准备的问题

你托福考多少分 GMAT 学着难不难,是不是培训班培训的。你准备了多久 出国留学考虑的是综合能力而不是应试能力所以,别刻意强调自己的应试能力。


1) How long have you prepared your visa interview

It took me around 1 month to get ready for the visa interview, including making visa interview appointment and gathering necessary documents.


Have you prepared the interview in New Oriental No, I didn’t.


因为他们曾经跟 ETS 打过官司,而且美国人认为XDF培养的都是高分低能的留学生。)

2) How long have you prepared for GMAT

I studied for about 3 months for my GMAT. I only studied after work and on weekends because I am working full time.


Did you cheat 你作弊了没

No. 不,没有。

Part 11 Chat 第十一类问题 聊天类

问到这些问题的时候 其实有时候是签证官想缓解一下气氛,大家就放松回答

你的爱好是什么,你叫啥,来自于哪里,你觉得美国哪好,哪不好,你有梦想吗 你最喜欢吃什么


1)What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S

2)What is your dream 你有什么梦想么

3) What’s your favorite food 你喜欢吃什么

4)Do you have any relatives in the United States 美国有亲戚么

5)How old are you 你多大了

6) Where are you from I‘m from weihai 我来自威海。





1. What are you going to do in US

2. What will you do in US

3. Will you study in US

4. What is your purpose for your visa/What is your motivation for your visa


1. Are you a student Are you a worker

2.Where are you studying now Have you got your diploma

3. In which school are you studying now What is the name of your school

4. What major did you study What subjects did you study

5. How about your ranking in your class

6. What degree did you get

7. When did you graduate /When did you get your degree/diploma


1. Who pay for your fees in US Who is your sponsor

2.What do your parents do How about their annual income

3. What about your tuition fees How much will you spend one year


1. How many universities have you applied How many universities accepted you

2. Why chose this university

3. What major will you study Why this major

4. How do you know this university


1. What will you do when you finish your study

2. Will you come back, why
